Delta Marsh Field Station Archive Annual Report, Volume 18, 1983 |
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Table of Contents:
1983 Personnel
Director’s Report for 1983
Jennifer M. ShayResident Biologist’s Report for 1983
Robert M. R. BarclayForaging behaviour of insectivorous bats at Delta Marsh
Robert M. R. Barclay, Department of Zoology, University of ManitobaNocturnal singing behaviour of marsh nesting birds particularly Marsh and Sedge Wrens (Cistothorus palustris, C. platensis)
Robert M. R. Barclay, Marty L. Leonard and Gaynette Friesen, Department of Zoology, University of ManitobaAssessment of some effects of simazine on the structure and metabolism of periphyton
L. Gordon Goldsborough, Department of Botany, University of ManitobaOntogeny of a small marsh pond
L. Gordon Goldsborough, Department of Botany, University of ManitobaFall migrations of the Northern Waterthrush and Ovenbird in the Delta Marsh area
Heidi E. den Haan, Department of Zoology, University of ManitobaBreeding failure and decline of a Common Tern colony in southern Manitoba
Percy N. Hébert, Department of Zoology, University of ManitobaCommunication with song types in Western Meadowlarks: a progress report
Andrew Horn, Department of Zoology, University of TorontoThe impact of predation on the reproductive strategy of the Yellow-headed Blackbird
Andre Isabelle, Department of Biology, University of OttawaShort term colonization by periphytic diatoms in the Blind Channel, Delta Marsh: a preliminary report
G. M. Kruszynski, Department of Botany, University of ManitobaFactors influencing female choice in the Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris)
Marty Leonard, Department of Biology, University of OttawaThe analysis of projectile points from the University Field Station (Delta Marsh)
Kelly McEwan, Tony Scaletta and Tom Shay, Department of Anthropology, University of ManitobaSound degradation and distance estimation in Western Meadowlarks and in humans
Peter K. McGregor, J. Bruce Falls, Andrew G. Horn and Melissa A. Todd, Department of Zoology, University of TorontoThe feeding guild structure of the insectivorous birds on the Delta Beach Ridge
Gloria Pohajdak, Department of Zoology, University of ManitobaAn investigation of epipelic productivity in the Blind Channel Delta Marsh - preliminary report
Gordon G. C. Robinson, Department of Botany, University of ManitobaMovements of forage fish between Lake Manitoba and Delta Marsh
Frederike Schneider, Department of Zoology, University of ManitobaBehavioural and ecological studies of birds on the forested dune ridge, Delta Marsh (Abstract)
Spencer G. Sealy, Department of Zoology, University of ManitobaPost-fire performance of Phragmites australis
Jennifer M. Shay, Department of Zoology, University of ManitobaThe roles of habitat and dissolved oxygen in the distribution of Yellow Perch at Delta Marsh
Iain M. Suthers, Department of Zoology, University of Manitoba
Page revised: 3 December 2013