University Field Station (Delta Marsh)
Annual Report, Volume 23, 1988

1988 Personnel

Director's Report for 1988
Gordon G.C. Robinson

Manager's Report for 1988
Russell G. Mead

Bird Observations Report
Keith A. Hobson

Weather summary for 1988
Gordon G.C. Robinson

Clutch size manipulations in the Yellow-headed Blackbird: a test of the individual optimum clutch size hypothesis
Colleen A. Barber, Department of Zoology, University of Manitoba

Studies on duckweed epiphyton: seasonal changes in biomass and the effect of substratum preexposure on periphyton accumulation
L. Gordon Goldsbourough, Department of Botany, University of Alberta

Invertebrate grazer-periphyton interactions in Crescent Pond, Delta Marsh, MB: periphyton biomass relationships
Brenda J. Hann, Department of Zoology, University of Manitoba

Asynchronous hatching in Yellow Warblers
Percy N. Hébert, Department of Zoology, University Manitoba

Maternal strategies and development of young in the hoary bat Lasiurus cinereus
Catherine E. Koehler, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary

The effect of wind stress on some aspects of the physical and biological limnology of a prairie marsh
Brian Kotak, Department of Botany, University of Manitoba

Productivity-irradiance relationships of the algal communities in the Delta Marsh - a preliminary report
Gordon G. C. Robinson, Department of Botany, University of Manitoba

Nestling hunger and brood size influence the rate a food delivery by Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) parents
Douglas J. Torrance, Department of Zoology, University of Manitoba

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