Population biology and the control of Common Burdock (Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh.) at the University Field Station, Delta Marsh
Norm C. Kenkel and Kelly Graham
Department of Botany, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
E-mail: kenkel@umanitoba.ca
UFS (Delta Marsh)


Common Burdock is an Eurasian weed that has become widely distributed in waste places and on disturbed ground throughout much of North America (Gross et al. 1980). In recent years, common burdock has apparently increased in abundance in the understory of gallery forests adjacent to the south shore of Lake Manitoba, particularly in the region of the University of Manitoba Field Station (Delta Marsh). The success of the species is largely attributable to its production of bur-like fruit that are readily dispersed through attachment to animal fur and human clothing. Common burdock is so abundant in some areas that it is now the dominant understory species. Floristic diversity on the forested ridge has been appreciably reduced as a result.

This report summarizes a study of the population biology and control of common burdock at the University Field Station. The project was funded by Canada Trust and the Friends of the Field Station. The objectives of the study were:

Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. (Common Burdock)

Common Burdock (also known as bur, or cockle buttons) belongs to the Asteracae family. The name Arctium is derived from the Greek word arktos, meaning bear. The plant is native to Eurasia but has become widely established in North America, where it has become a pernicious weed. A closely related species, A. lappa or Great Burdock, was also introduced to North America from Europe. It is also considered a weed, but is not as common nor as widely distributed as A. minus.

Biology and Ecology

Common Burdock is sometimes referred to as a 'biennial'. Strict biennials are species that in the first year germinate, grow, and produce a large overwintering storage taproot. In the second year, the photosynthate energy stored in the taproot is used to produce a large number of flowering heads, a phenomenon known as 'bolting'. The plant dies in the fall, having produced and dispersed its seed. Like many so-called biennials, common burdock is more correctly termed a 'facultative' biennial (i.e. short-lived perennial). Such species can take a number of years before flowering; like biennials, they die once they have flowered (Silvertown & Lovett Doust 1993). In these so-called semelparous (once-flowering) perennials, flowering is related to plant size rather than age. Examples include common burdock, teasel, wild parsnip, wild carrot and evening primrose (Kelly 1985). Semelparous perennial species are generally poor competitors, depending on site disturbance for survival of the population. Most have large seed pools and employ seeds as a means of colonizing gaps as the opportunity arises. Observations made at the University Field Station suggest that common burdock may remain in the vegetative (non-flowering) phase for up to 4 - 5 years, and possibly longer.

Common burdock produces a basal rosette of large ovate to cordate leaves, and a taproot up to 1 m in length. Flowering plants produce a 1 - 2 m angled stem of alternate leaves topped by globose flowerheads (purple tubular disk-florets with hook-tipped involucral bracts). The spiny burs of the fruit readily attach to animals fur and human clothing, thus assuring long-distance dispersal. Common burdock is said to grow in full sun, and to prefer heavy, moist soils rich in nitrogen. However, at the University Field Station it grows on relatively well-drained, nutrient-poor sand in semi-shaded habitats.


Both Common and Great Burdock are native to Europe, where they are commonly found growing in fields and pastures, waste places, and other disturbed sites. Common burdock is naturalized in North America, and now occurs in every province in Canada. It is recognized as a weed of waste places, usually on moist fertile soils (Frankton & Mulligan 1970).

Economic Uses

Common Burdock is a traditional herbal medicine in Europe and parts of North America. The boiled root of year-old plants is used, and recent research has indicated that the plant has diuretic, antiseptic, diaphoretic, hypoglycaemic and choleretic properties. An external poultice of leaves said to be effective against skin irritations, and external antiseptic properties have been demonstrated scientifically (Dwyer & Rattray 1986).

Alternative Methods for Controlling Common Burdock

It was necessary to develop a method for the careful removal of common burdock plants, while minimizing substrate disturbance as well as damage to the native vegetation. The options considered were:

Population Biology of Common Burdock

Controlling Common Burdock will undoubtedly be a continuing project, at least for a few years. The species likely has a persistent soil seed bank, so that removal of existing plants is no guarantee of immediate species extirpation. Furthermore, it is likely that small seedlings will be missed even by the most careful worker. It is therefore important to obtain more information on the population biology of the species at Delta Marsh, so that an appropriate long-term control program can be implemented. We have collected the following information:

Materials and Methods

1. Species Removal

Smaller plants were dug up using a standard garden 'dandelion fork', and larger ones using a long-handled bulb planter. Non-flowering plants were carefully dug up (obtaining as much of the taproot as possible) and scattered on the ground to decay. In this way, nutrients were recycled back into the ecosystem. However, flowering-fruiting individuals (bolting) were removed from the site and burned to prevent further seed spread. At least 5000 individuals were removed during the summer of 1994.

2. Population Size Structure

Plots for determining population size structure were established at various locations. Within each plot, individual plants were randomly selected for measurement. The number of leaves was recorded, and each leaf was measured from the point of blade-petiole attachment to the leaf tip. Each individual was placed into one of three age-size classes: class 1 = all leaves < 20 cm; class 2 = at least one leaf > 20 cm, but not bolting; class 3 = bolting plants, regardless of leaf size. The height of all bolting plants was recorded, and the number of burs counted. Whenever possible, the taproot of each plant was measured from the base of the leaf crown to the tip.

3. Phenology

Throughout the summer months (June - August, 1994), observations on timing of leaf production, bolting and flower and fruit production were made.

4. Species Associations

At each plot location, all plant species within the plot were recorded (nomenclature follows Scoggan 1957), and the surrounding trees and shrubs identified to species. Canopy cover was recorded using three classes: full shade, >70% canopy cover; semi-shade, 30-70% canopy cover, and high light, < 30% canopy cover.

5. Biomass and Reproductive Allocation

Plants were randomly selected for biomass allocation determination in mid-August 1994. Only plants of size classes 2 and 3 (see section 2 above) were selected. Non-flowering plants were divided into above-ground (basal leaves) and below-ground (taproot) parts. For flowering plants, the following divisions were made: taproot, basal leaves, vegetative bolt, and fruit. All material was collected, sorted, and dried to constant mass in a standard drying oven at 85°C.

6. Establishment of Permanent Plots

Six square permanent plots for long-term monitoring were located in various regions of the forested ridge. Sites were chosen to be representative of various site conditions, including proportion of vegetation cover (herbaceous and canopy layer) and proximity to animal pathways. Plot size varied depending on the number and size of common burdock individuals within them. Most plots contained between 15 and 20 individuals.

In June 1994, all burdock individuals >10 cm in height were carefully marked with a stake (placed on the north side of the plant) and given a number. Plants < 10 cm tall were recorded on a map of the plot and labelled as 'seedlings'. Plant measurements were made (as outlined in section 2 above) in June and August of 1994.

7. Germination Experiments

Common Burdock burs from the previous year (1993) were collected from six dead plants on July 8, 1994. Seeds were removed from the involucre and placed in an open petri dish to dry. In August 1994 the following germination trial were undertaken:

(a) Immediate germination in petri dishes:
Petri Dish
1 - 20 seeds placed between 2 paper towels.
2 - 40 seeds placed between 2 paper towels.
3 - 20 seeds placed on top of soil.
4 - 20 seeds placed in soil.

(b) As above, but seed was first refrigerated at 4°C for 24 hours, lowered to -6.5°C for 2 hours, and then returned to 4°C for 15 days prior to the germination trials.

Soil used in the germination experiments was collected from the field station 'garden' and dried for 2 days at 90°C before use. Petri dishes with lids were placed in a growth chamber (light for 15 hours at 22°C, dark for 9 hours at 8°C) and watered as required. Light was from fluorescent tubes measured at 106 µmol/s/m.


1. Species Removal

Common Burdock plants have been removed from the forested ridge in an area extending from the western boundary of the University Field Station to just east of the three cottages (linear distance along the beach about 350m). Plants have not been removed from the area south and west of the Lawrence lab, however. Plants have also been removed from the area of the forested ridge west of the Assiniboine River Diversion road for a distance of approximately 300 m. Due to time constraints, plants along a 300 m section of the forested ridge immediately east of the cottages have yet to be removed.

2. Population Size Structure

Of the 349 individuals collected for measurement, 263 (75.4%) were in the small size class, 64 (18.3%) in the large size class, and 22 (6.3%) were bolting. This suggests that seedling recruitment into the existing population is high, and that a large proportion of plants die before they have a chance to flower.

Summary size information for each of the three classes in presented in Table 1. Plants in the smallest size class produced on average less than two leaves, and had a comparatively small taproot. Larger, non-flowering plants averaged more than 3 leaves per plant, and had a much larger taproot. The mean number of leaves, mean leaf size, and taproot length was greatest for the flowering individuals. These plants averaged almost a meter in height (94.9 ± 44 cm), and produced on average 77.4 ± 56.6 burs per plant.

Table 1. Summary of the size structure of burdock (Arctium minus) populations at the University Field Station, Delta Marsh (mean ± 1 S.D.).
Size Class
Taproot Length9.63
Taproot Diameter0.32
Number of Leaves1.83
Length of Leaves7.14
Plant Height (Bolting)94.87
Number of Burs77.36

3. Phenology

Initial growth of the species begins in middle to late May. In non-flowering individuals, a full set of leaves is normally produced by late June, though smaller leaves may continue to be produced well into the summer.

Flowering individual showed the first clear signs of bolting by the second week of June, 1994. The developing inflorescence is fully exposed by the end of June. Flowers first appear in mid-July, though flowering continues well into September. Each bur holds an average of about 40 seeds, and over 100 burs can be produced per plant.

Bolting appears to be physiologically-based. One individual had its bolting stem cut off at the base on June 22, 1994 (leaving only the basal rosette of leaves). By late July a new, smaller bolting inflorescence had been produced from one of the basal leaf axils.

4. Species Associations

Common Burdock was most frequently found along the forested ridge, and was most abundant along roadsides and in disturbed areas. The overstory was generally dominated by Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), Manitoba Maple (Acer negundo), Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) and/or Peachleaf Willow (Salix amygdaloides). Major tall shrubs include Salix interior (forest margins), Sambucus canadensis, Cornus stolonifera and Prunus virginiana. Small shrubs and herbaceous species are generally not abundant in areas where common burdock dominates. Species encountered include Urtica dioica, Humulus lupulus, Ribes americana, Rubus idaeus, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Smilacina racemosa, Rhus radicans, Galium triflorum, Osmorhiza longistylis, Solidago canadensis, Poa pratensis, Bromus inermis, Cirsium arvense, Taraxacum officinale, Convolvulus sepium, Artemesia absinthium and Lappula deflexa.

5. Biomass and Reproductive Allocation

A random sample of 14 non-flowering individuals suggested approximately equal allocation to above and below-ground biomass (56.2% above-ground, 43.8% below-ground). Mean values for flowering individuals (sample size = 4) were as follows: basal leaves, 8.53%; vegetative bolting tissue, 60.43%; fruit, 21.37%, and taproot, 9.67%. These results confirm that the plant allocates considerable photosynthetic storage to the taproot, and that this stored energy is utilized at the time of flowering.

6. Establishment of Permanent Plots

A summary of the six permanent plots is presented in Table 2. All plants except the seedlings have been marked and will be revisited in the summer of 1995 to determine mortality, plant size and the proportion of plants bolting.

Table 2. Summary of the six permanent plots established to monitor long-term population dynamics in burdock (Arctium minus).
PlotLocationSizeHabitatBurdock plant sizesAssociates
1West side of Wardle residence, UFS (DM)2 x 2 msunny, forest edgesmall = 21, large = 10, bolting =3, seedlings (estimated) = 91Cirsium arvense, Urtica dioica, Humulus lupulus, Convolvulus sepium
2East of Cottages, UFS (DM)3 x 3 msemi-shaded, high canopy forest, no shrubssmall = 50, large = 18, bolting = 2, seedlings (estimated) = 21Ribes americana, Urtica dioica, Rubus idaeus, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Acer negundo (seedlings), Sambucus canadensis
3Along mist net trail, east of cottages, UFS (DM)2 x 2 mmoderately shaded, low tree canopy, some shrubs presentsmall = 7, large = 4, bolting = 2, no seedlingsRubus idaeus, Galium triflorum, Parthenocissus quinquefolia
4Between plots 2 and 3, east forested ridge, UFS (DM)3 x 3 msomewhat shaded, close to beach. Isolated populationsmall = 10, large = 10, bolting = 4, no seedlingsArtemesia absinthium, Rubus idaeus, Humulus lupulus, Galium triflorum, Poa pratensis, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Osmorhiza longistylis, Ribes triste
5west of beach path on Portage Country Club property2 x 2 mmoderate to full shade, evidence of old (dead) burdock plantssmall = 15, large = 6, bolting = 2, seedlings (estimated) = 172Ribes triste, Urtica dioica, Taraxacum officinale, Fraxinus pennsylvanica (seedlings), Solidago canadensis, Humulus lupulus
6West of Plot 51 x 1 mhighly shadedsmall = 48, no others observedUritica dioica, Galium triflorum, Lappula deflexa

7. Germination Experiments

Germination rates varied between the different treatments, but not in any systematic way. Percent germination ranged from 30% (40 seeds on paper, without cold treatment) to 75% (20 seeds on soil, with cold treatment), averaging approximately 50%. It should be kept in mind that these germination experiments were performed using one-year old seed still attached to dead plants, indicating that the seeds remain viable for at least one year. Additional experiments should be undertaken to determine whether new seed (produced in the late fall) will germinate, or whether a winter 'cold treatment' is required.


Removal of Common Burdock from the forested ridge must be a continuing project, at least into the foreseeable future. Since the removal of all plants is very labour-intensive, an alternative approach may have to be sought. One approach requiring minimal effort would involve removing only bolting individuals, before they flower and produce seed. To be effective, this strategy would have to be done every year for the next four or five years. Removal of fruiting plants will effectively deplete the seed pool in the area, and should eventually result in population depletion. The bringing in of seed from external sources must also be prevented. Anyone walking in areas of high burdock infestation (particularly the Portage Country Club property west of the Field Station) should be encouraged to remove and dispose of all burdock burs from their person before reentering Field Station property.

A few other studies need to be undertaken. In particular, soil cores should be taken to determine the size of the burdock seed bank. The permanent plots will be monitored by Dr. Norm Kenkel for the next few years. With some volunteer help, further removal of Burdock from the Field Station property will hopefully take place over the next few years. With minimal effort and the cooperation of Field Station users, common burdock control can be achieved.


We thank the Canada Trust company and the Friends of the Field Station for their financial support of this project. Carol Harrison and Jennifer Barker helped in the field work. Cooperation and assistance from the staff of the University of Manitoba Field Station is greatly appreciated.


Dwyer, J. and D. Rattray (eds). 1986. Magic and medicine of plants. Reader's Digest Association, Pleasantville, NY.

Frankton, C. and G.A. Mulligan. 1970. Weeds of Canada. Can. Dept. Agric. Publ. No. 948. Ottawa.

Gross, R.S., P.A. Werner and W.R. Hawthorn. 1980. The biology of Canadian weeds. 38. Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. and A. lappa L. Can. J. Plant Sci. 60: 621-634.

Kelly, D. 1985. On strict and facultative biennials. Oecologia 67: 292-294.

Silvertown, J. and J. Lovett Doust 1993. Introduction to plant population biology. Blackwell, London. 210 pp.