Delta Marsh History Initiative, Steering Committee Meeting

9:00 am, 27 November 2006
Home of Shirley Christianson, Portage la Prairie

Present:     Barry Bills, Shirley Christianson, Heidi den Haan, Gordon Goldsborough (sec), Bob Jones, Cynthia Jordan, Winnie Pauch, Glen Suggett

1.  Minutes of the last meeting (30 October 2006) were approved with the following changes: Suggett was given a copy of the log from Flee Island Lodge, he did not find it.

2.  Business

a)   Ward photos – Are there any more PCI photos in the Ward albums? Goldsborough will check and, if necessary, scan them for the people at PCI.

b)  PCI archive – Bills reported that James Kostuchuk has a large collection of Delta-related photos and will provide us with copies shortly.

c)   Vance photos – Christianson reported that Georgina Cuthbert provided some Delta photos to Shirley Love for the Oakland book.

d)  Gilroys – Christianson has not been able to get in touch with Pearleen yet but will keep trying. She also thought of Bud Wishart as a possible informant.

e)   Rutherford – Christianson says that Andy Rutherford has agreed to write a note about an aircraft landing at Flee Island which occurred while he was stationed at the Macdonald air base in 1945.

f)   Interviews – Pauch will contact Bryson; an interview with Linden and Brown will occur on 8, 11 or 12 December. Goldsborough will purchase another digital camcorder and give to Jones for the interviews. Suggett reported that transcription of the Ritchie memoir, Bickle interview, etc. is being done, and more can be done as the transcriber’s time permits.

g)  Younghusband – Goldsborough found an obituary for Leslie Younghusband in an online Chicago newspaper which provided more biographical details. He did not get the formal obituary but it might provide family connections of living members. Revlon might have archival files on Younghusband in its corporate records.

h)  Bell diaries – Suggett noted that references are made to these in the General Mills history book; where might they be? Possibilities included the Minnesota Historical Society or the J. J. Hill Reference Library in Minneapolis/St. Paul, or General Mills, or Bell family members.

i)    Delta library – Another winter is coming up and no plan has been heard from the Delta Waterfowl Foundation for disposition of its library. Director Frank Rohwer did not respond to an email asking about its status. Goldsborough will contact Rohwer again to urge action on old library books, if possible.

j)    Christmas party – This has been scheduled for Thursday, 21 December at 5:30 PM, at the Delta Marsh Field Station. All are invited.

k)  Graphic meeting – We should arrange to meet to bring them up-to-date on our progress; a newspaper story might be a good way to solicit additional information. Goldsborough should contact them.

l)    Campbell House – Christianson showed photos obtained for display, probably opening in May 2007: Meighen, Lyon, Norquay, Campbell, and Weir.

3.  Next meeting: The next meeting will be held at the home of Shirley Christianson (118 Wilkinson Crescent, Portage la Prairie) at 9:00 am on Monday, 22 January 2007.

4.  Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 AM.