May 19/73
Jr. Terriers
Chamber of Commerce Sponsored Motorcade, Autographing and Appreciation Function
Victory cavalcade - Saskatchewan Avenue was lined with people Saturday afternoon to greet the Portage Terriers, holders of the Centennial Cup, emblematic of junior hockey supremacy in Canada. The team here was on its way to the Portage Collegiate grounds for a two-hour session of autograph signing and meeting with young hockey fans of the city and district. The event was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.
Standing ovation - Pottage Terrier coach Muzz MacPheron was twice given a standing ovation by 1,500 Terrier supporters during the Portage and District Chamber of Commerce Terrier Appreciation Night Saturday at the Arena. Here is a portion of the crowd, that jammed the Arena for the gala event.
Signing autographs - Since winning the Centennial Cup last Monday Portage Terrier players have been busy signing autographs. Saturday afternoon at the Portage Collegiate they sat down and signed autographs for nearly three hours as youngsters lined up to meet their hockey heroes.
The reeve says ‘thanks’ - Reeve Robert Adrain and Portage rural councillors presented Instamatic cameras to Portage Terrier hockey players during Terrier Appreciation Night Saturday at the Arena. Here Reeve Adrain congratulates Terrier captain Grant Fancombe while Doug Wood, in the background, is loaded down with gifts.
- Created on
- Friday 1 June 1973
- Posted on
- Thursday 1 June 2017
- Dimensions
- 2632*2605
- File
- 11165a.jpg
- Filesize
- 307 KB
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