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Angela Birt (16 photos) Armstrong (54 photos) B. Tashiro (2 photos) Brian Barrett (5 photos) christian (7 photos) Christian Cassidy (194 photos) Clark (68 photos) Clarke (1 photo) Cook (3 photos) DMSMCA Archives (1 photo) Edwin Clay Blair (90 photos) Gordon Goldsborough (790 photos) Green (25 photos) Halliday (529 photos) Hill (3 photos) Jackson (18 photos) Jean McManus (3 photos) Lyons (35 photos) MacGregor (3 photos) MacKenzie (2 photos) Maxwell (3 photos) Moffat (233 photos) Oliver (16 photos) Ralko (2 photos) RCAF (1 photo) Schram (4 photos) Tahsiro (9 photos) Tashiro (2041 photos) Unknown (46 photos) Vopni (47 photos) Vopni Press (628 photos) Vopnie Press (3 photos) Wild (24 photos) Winnipeg Photo Company (1 photo) Winnipeg Photo Company (Napinka) (1 photo)
1940 (1 photo) 1953 (1 photo) 1955 (2 photos) 1956 (35 photos) 1960 (3 photos) 1964 (2 photos) 1972 (1 photo) 25th (2 photos) 40th (1 photo) 50th (4 photos) abandoned (1 photo) aboriginal (12 photos) accidents (22 photos) action (2 photos) Advertisement (5 photos) aerial (2 photos) after flood (1 photo) agriculture (104 photos) air cadet (3 photos) Air Cadets (6 photos) air chief (1 photo) air chiefs (1 photo) air force (2 photos) aircraft (125 photos) airplane (7 photos) airports (95 photos) Altar (1 photo) ANAF Ladies Auxiliary (1 photo) animal (15 photos) animals (33 photos) anniversaries (143 photos) anniversary (13 photos) annual (4 photos) anual (2 photos) appliances (4 photos) ARC Industries (1 photo) architecture (4 photos) archives (1 photo) Arena (4 photos) Arlington Street (40 photos) armed forces (476 photos) Army (13 photos) art (24 photos) Arthur Meighen High School (89 photos) Artifacts (1 photo) artillery (13 photos) artist (3 photos) arts (38 photos) association (17 photos) associations (1 photo) auctions (2 photos) august 1955 (4 photos) automobile (66 photos) automobiles (370 photos) Award (33 photos) awards (313 photos) awning (1 photo) axe (1 photo) B.F. Goodrich (1 photo) baby (9 photos) bags (2 photos) bails (2 photos) ball (8 photos) band (1 photo) bank (2 photos) banks (33 photos) banquet (13 photos) barn (1 photo) baseball (16 photos) basketball (5 photos) beach (98 photos) bear (2 photos) Beauty pageant (1 photo) Beauty Salon (2 photos) Beet Growers (3 photos) bench (6 photos) benquet (1 photo) Bentley (1 photo) Bible School (1 photo) bibles (2 photos) bicycle (2 photos) bicycles (28 photos) big (2 photos) bikes (1 photo) bird (6 photos) birds (19 photos) Birthday (6 photos) birthdays (36 photos) black (1 photo) blood donor (1 photo) boat (43 photos) boats (8 photos) bonspiel (5 photos) book (6 photos) bottles (2 photos) bowling (18 photos) boxes (4 photos) boy (24 photos) boys (26 photos) brick (1 photo) bricks (1 photo) bridesmaid (1 photo) bridge (25 photos) bridges (9 photos) Brockie (1 photo) Bruce (2 photos) bucket (1 photo) buckets (1 photo) buggies (1 photo) building (173 photos) buildings (475 photos) buildling (1 photo) Burnell Street (2 photos) Burton (1 photo) bushes (2 photos) business (12 photos) businesses (544 photos) cabin (144 photos) cabins (9 photos) cadet (1 photo) cadets (14 photos) Cage (1 photo) cake (6 photos) camera (4 photos) cameras (3 photos) Campbell Soup Company (15 photos) camping (7 photos) camps (1 photo) Canadian Army (1 photo) Canadian National Railway (17 photos) Canadian Pacific Railway (14 photos) cane (1 photo) canoe (84 photos) Canoes (15 photos) car (3 photos) car contest (3 photos) Caravan (4 photos) card (7 photos) cards (9 photos) Carkeek (1 photo) Carmichael (2 photos) carriage (2 photos) Carter (1 photo) cartoon (2 photos) castle (1 photo) cats (1 photo) cattle (4 photos) celebration (15 photos) celebrations (209 photos) cemeteries (9 photos) cenotaph (1 photo) centennial (18 photos) Centennial Museum (6 photos) ceremonies (282 photos) ceremony (12 photos) certificate (5 photos) CFB Portage (2 photos) chair (25 photos) chairs (27 photos) chamber of commerce (2 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education (764 photos) elders (1 photo) elections (56 photos) electricity (11 photos) elevator (5 photos) elevators (23 photos) Elim Chapel (1 photo) Ellice Avenue (3 photos) England (1 photo) entertainment (8 photos) equipment (15 photos) Esso delivery (2 photos) event (2 photos) events (28 photos) executives (2 photos) exercise (1 photo) exhibition (1 photo) factories (2 photos) factory (1 photo) fair (4 photos) fairs (18 photos) families (22 photos) family (23 photos) farm (12 photos) Farming (3 photos) farmland (11 photos) federation (6 photos) fence (28 photos) fences (10 photos) festival (4 photos) festive (11 photos) festve (1 photo) field (41 photos) fire (32 photos) firefighting (47 photos) fireplace (10 photos) fires (18 photos) fish (4 photos) fishing (6 photos) five pictures (1 photo) flag (5 photos) flags (145 photos) flood (90 photos) flora (13 photos) flower (1 photo) flowers (13 photos) flying (1 photo) food (273 photos) football (3 photos) forest (3 photos) Fort la Reine School (125 photos) foster moms (2 photos) Frew (1 photo) Frizzle (1 photo) fruits (3 photos) funds (2 photos) funerals (7 photos) furniture (100 photos) game (20 photos) games (8 photos) garage (2 photos) garages (1 photo) garden (10 photos) gardening (1 photo) Gardiner (1 photo) gate (1 photo) gathering (24 photos) geese (21 photos) giant (6 photos) Gift (3 photos) girl (32 photos) girls (11 photos) glass (1 photo) Golden Anniversary (4 photos) golf (25 photos) golfers (2 photos) Goodrich (1 photo) goose (6 photos) government (3 photos) graduation (26 photos) grain elevator (10 photos) grain elevators (11 photos) grant (1 photo) grass (94 photos) gravel road (1 photo) gravestone (6 photos) graveyard (6 photos) Greenslade (1 photo) groceries (4 photos) ground (2 photos) group (9 photos) group photo (131 photos) guest speaker (2 photos) guide (3 photos) guitar (1 photo) gun (95 photos) guns (59 photos) hackney (1 photo) hands (1 photo) handwriting (18 photos) Harvesting (9 photos) Hatlelid (1 photo) hats (5 photos) haybale (1 photo) hockey (125 photos) Hockey club (4 photos) holiday (9 photos) home (13 photos) horse (18 photos) horses (31 photos) horticultural (7 photos) Hosler (1 photo) hospital (13 photos) hospitals (23 photos) hotel (9 photos) hotels (22 photos) house (294 photos) houses (99 photos) Hudsons Bay Company (2 photos) hunting (74 photos) Hutterites (1 photo) hydro (9 photos) hydro poles (1 photo) Ice (26 photos) igloo (1 photo) immigrants (1 photo) indian (4 photos) indigenous (40 photos) instroments (4 photos) island park (39 photos) Jacob Penner Park (1 photo) jails (2 photos) James (1 photo) Jet club (1 photo) job (2 photos) judiciary (1 photo) Jumping (1 photo) junior (1 photo) kelly (1 photo) kiss (1 photo) kitchen (8 photos) Knox United Church (1 photo) Koko Platz School (1 photo) La Verendrye School (69 photos) labour (3 photos) ladder (2 photos) ladies (3 photos) lady (2 photos) lake (24 photos) Lakes (33 photos) Lamps (2 photos) landscaping (9 photos) lane (1 photo) large (2 photos) laugh (1 photo) Lazenby (2 photos) leaves (2 photos) letter (22 photos) libraries (14 photos) library (6 photos) lights (28 photos) lions (8 photos) Lions Club (7 photos) Lions Manor (6 photos) Lionsclub (1 photo) Lipton Street (2 photos) livestock (2 photos) locomotive (5 photos) locomotives (3 photos) lodge (20 photos) logo (1 photo) long river (1 photo) Lumber Yard (2 photos) Lyons Garage (1 photo) MacGregor Co-op (3 photos) machinary (6 photos) Machinery (65 photos) machines (1 photo) magazine (2 photos) magazines (1 photo) main (1 photo) maintenance shed (1 photo) Man (629 photos) Manitoba Hydro (2 photos) Manitoba Telephone System (1 photo) Manor (1 photo) maps (9 photos) marching band (2 photos) Marriage (34 photos) married (1 photo) marsh (35 photos) Mason (2 photos) Maxwell (1 photo) McCredie (2 photos) McDonald (1 photo) McKinney (2 photos) McLean (4 photos) mechanical (4 photos) Medicine (8 photos) meeting (13 photos) men (2905 photos) metis (1 photo) Midget (1 photo) military (64 photos) minicipals (1 photo) mining (1 photo) Mitchell (30 photos) montage (1 photo) monument (3 photos) monuments (6 photos) moose (3 photos) mosaic (2 photos) mountain (36 photos) mountains (1 photo) mud (1 photo) Multiple Sclerosis Society (1 photo) municipal (1 photo) museum (4 photos) museums (3 photos) Mushroom (1 photo) music (92 photos) Navy (2 photos) newspaper (2 photos) newspapers (16 photos) night (1 photo) North Memorial School (47 photos) North Ward School (17 photos) Notre Dame (1 photo) nurses (4 photos) nursing (9 photos) Oakville School (5 photos) oars (1 photo) oats (3 photos) ocean (1 photo) office (5 photos) officer (3 photos) officers (5 photos) offices (51 photos) Ogilvie (1 photo) Order of Royal Purple (2 photos) Order of the Eastern Star (1 photo) Orioles (1 photo) outhouse (1 photo) owl (1 photo) paddles (7 photos) Paint (4 photos) Painting (18 photos) Paisely (1 photo) Pangman (1 photo) paper (3 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Portage Legion (1 photo) Portage Lions Club (2 photos) Portage Odd Fellows Lodge (2 photos) Portage Plains United Way (58 photos) Portage Rotary Club (2 photos) Portage Terrier Squadron (5 photos) Portage Terriers (1 photo) posing (6 photos) post offices (5 photos) postal (1 photo) postcard (29 photos) pottery (2 photos) Prairie Manor (1 photo) presbyterian (30 photos) present (2 photos) Presents (1 photo) president (4 photos) presniation (1 photo) Prince Charles School (99 photos) prize (4 photos) promotion (1 photo) protection (1 photo) puck (2 photos) qualification (2 photos) queen (8 photos) racket (1 photo) radio (15 photos) radish (4 photos) railway (11 photos) railways (65 photos) rca (2 photos) RCAF (2 photos) rcmp (4 photos) reading (1 photo) Reception (12 photos) Referee (4 photos) religions (2 photos) renovations (3 photos) Residential School (2 photos) restaurant (4 photos) restaurants (23 photos) retirement (2 photos) reunion (6 photos) reunited (1 photo) reward (1 photo) ridge banquet (2 photos) rink (20 photos) rinks (100 photos) river (4 photos) rivers (7 photos) road (46 photos) roads (35 photos) Rocks (3 photos) roof (4 photos) room (1 photo) Rossendale (1 photo) Roy (1 photo) Royal Canadian Air Force (5 photos) Royal Canadian Legion (7 photos) royalty (45 photos) Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie (1 photo) Ruth Rebekah Lodge (1 photo) Safety (4 photos) sailing (2 photos) salvation army (8 photos) sanatorium (1 photo) Sand (15 photos) sargent avenue (1 photo) school (18 photos) School Inspector (2 photos) schools (984 photos) science (15 photos) scout (1 photo) scrolls (1 photo) sculptures (14 photos) Searles (1 photo) shadowsummer (1 photo) Sharpe (1 photo) shed (8 photos) Sherbrook Pool (177 photos) Sherbrook Street (177 photos) shoe (2 photos) shoes (4 photos) shooting (2 photos) shop (13 photos) shopping (1 photo) shops (2 photos) shoreline (1 photo) shovel (3 photos) show (4 photos) sign (3 photos) signs (40 photos) Simcoe Street (1 photo) Simmons (1 photo) Simms (2 photos) sitting (7 photos) skating (57 photos) skiing (2 photos) skirt (1 photo) sky (11 photos) sleds (2 photos) slide (10 photos) Sloik (1 photo) smile (3 photos) Smith (31 photos) smoke (11 photos) snow (245 photos) snowmobiles (22 photos) society (1 photo) southport (3 photos) sports (222 photos) spring (3 photos) St. Matthews Avenue (1 photo) St.John's Roman Catholic Church (2 photos) stage (1 photo) stair (1 photo) stairs (7 photos) station (14 photos) stations (2 photos) statue (1 photo) steamboat (1 photo) steel (9 photos) steel trusses (1 photo) Stewart (1 photo) stick (2 photos) stones (2 photos) store (41 photos) stores (277 photos) street lights (1 photo) streets (5 photos) stroller (2 photos) student (2 photos) students (2 photos) suit (4 photos) summer (33 photos) sunflower (3 photos) sunflowers (1 photo) sunset (1 photo) surgery (1 photo) survival (3 photos) swim (2 photos) swimming (7 photos) swimsuits (2 photos) swimwear (1 photo) swing (5 photos) sword (1 photo) table (22 photos) tabogganning (1 photo) tail (1 photo) Tashiro (45 photos) tea (5 photos) team (37 photos) teams (3 photos) teenagers (15 photos) telephones (18 photos) Telesky (40 photos) televisions (28 photos) temperance (1 photo) tennis (2 photos) tent (6 photos) tents (1 photo) terriers (2 photos) The Mallard Lodge (16 photos) theatre (44 photos) three (1 photo) threshing (9 photos) tipi (4 photos) tipis (2 photos) tires (2 photos) toast (1 photo) toboggan (2 photos) tools (7 photos) Toronto Street (1 photo) totem pole (4 photos) tournament (1 photo) tower (4 photos) toy (1 photo) toys (20 photos) tracks (1 photo) tractor (25 photos) tractors (24 photos) trailor (3 photos) train (20 photos) trains (25 photos) transportation (19 photos) treasurer (2 photos) tree (50 photos) trees (239 photos) trenchcoat (1 photo) Trinity United Church (2 photos) trophies (173 photos) trophy (44 photos) truck (14 photos) trucks (8 photos) Tupper Street (2 photos) ukrainian (1 photo) umbrella (2 photos) uniform (1 photo) uniforms (217 photos) United Church (5 photos) United States Air Force (1 photo) universities (3 photos) university (1 photo) vegetables (6 photos) vehicle (65 photos) vehicles (29 photos) Vel (5 photos) veterans (1 photo) Victor Street (3 photos) Victoria School (85 photos) villiage (2 photos) volleyball (1 photo) volunteers (9 photos) vows (1 photo) wagon (7 photos) waiting (2 photos) wall (2 photos) war (1 photo) warehouses (1 photo) wars (11 photos) water (177 photos) waterfall (4 photos) waterfowl (134 photos) Waves (3 photos) weapon (2 photos) weapons (4 photos) weather (3 photos) wedding (43 photos) Wedding Party (2 photos) weddings (22 photos) WEllington Avenue (1 photo) West End (235 photos) West Ward School (9 photos) wheat (3 photos) wheels (26 photos) white (2 photos) wildlife (1 photo) Wilson (2 photos) windmill (2 photos) window (1 photo) winner (3 photos) winners (3 photos) Winnipeg Riot (11 photos) Winter (375 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Portage la Prairie, 1981 Les Green Les Green / Maps Les Green / Misc. Les Green / Boy Scout Photos Album 2 - 1951-1966 Les Green / Boy Scout Photos Album 1 - 1962-1966 Winnipeg General Strike, 1919 Churchill, c.1944 Portage la Prairie, 1982-1984 Manitoba Mugshots West End Digital History Project West End Digital History Project / Sherbrook Pool Jan 2017 Reopening West End Digital History Project / Sherbrook Pool Pre-2010 Photos West End Digital History Project / Sherbrook Pool Jan 2015 Pre-renovation Tour West End Digital History Project / Telesky Taxidermy West End Digital History Project / Former West End Library West End Digital History Project / Parks and Playgrounds West End Digital History Project / Residential West End Digital History Project / Schools West End Digital History Project / Commercial Buildings Delta Marsh Collection Delta Marsh Collection / Andrich, Mae Delta Marsh Collection / Atkinson Best Delta Marsh Collection / Atkinson, Sheridan Delta Marsh Collection / Atkinson, Terry Delta Marsh Collection / Bailey, Flora Delta Marsh Collection / Bain-MSHF Delta Marsh Collection / Bain-Pim Collection Delta Marsh Collection / Bain-Pim Collection / Bain-Pim (Book 1) Delta Marsh Collection / Bain-Pim Collection / Bain-Pim (Book 2) Delta Marsh Collection / Bain-Pim Collection / Bain-Pim (Book 3) Delta Marsh Collection / Bain-Pim Collection / Bain-Pim (Book 4) Delta Marsh Collection / Bain-TFC Delta Marsh Collection / Blight, Irene Delta Marsh Collection / Brecknell, Melba Delta Marsh Collection / Brown, Adam Delta Marsh Collection / Camp Jubilee Delta Marsh Collection / Campbell, Keith Delta Marsh Collection / Cook Delta Marsh Collection / Delta Waterfowl Station Delta Marsh Collection / Duke of York Delta Marsh Collection / Flood 2011 Delta Marsh Collection / Flood 2011 / Flood 2011 Delta Beach Delta Marsh Collection / Flood 2011 / Flood 2011 Tin Town Delta Marsh Collection / Fraser, Sheila Delta Marsh Collection / Gilroy, Edward Delta Marsh Collection / Green, Jack Delta Marsh Collection / Hanna Delta Marsh Collection / Henderson Delta Marsh Collection / Hurst Delta Marsh Collection / Keys, Vera Delta Marsh Collection / Lakewood Country Club Delta Marsh Collection / Lamb Delta Marsh Collection / Lamont, Sandra Delta Marsh Collection / NAC Winnipeg Delta Marsh Collection / Naegele Delta Marsh Collection / PCI Delta Marsh Collection / Prince of Wales 1919 Delta Marsh Collection / Royal Archives Delta Marsh Collection / Scott, Lois Delta Marsh Collection / Smith Delta Marsh Collection / Sports Afield Delta Marsh Collection / Storey, George Delta Marsh Collection / Ward Delta Marsh Collection / Wilson Delta Marsh Collection / Young, Jean Hamilton Postcards Stereoviews Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie / Portage la Prairie (Poitras Scans) Portage la Prairie / Brian Barrett Collection Portage la Prairie / Brian Barrett Collection / Maps of Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie / Brian Barrett Collection / Postcards of Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie / PCI Archive Portage la Prairie / PCI Archive / Portage la Prairie Newspaper Photograph Collection - Group 3 Portage la Prairie / PCI Archive / Portage la Prairie Newspaper Photograph Collection - Group 3 / Envelopes 3875-4338 Portage la Prairie / PCI Archive / Portage la Prairie Newspaper Photograph Collection - Group 3 / Envelopes 5514-6099 Portage la Prairie / PCI Archive / Portage la Prairie Newspaper Photograph Collection - Group 3 / Envelopes 955-1907 Portage la Prairie / PCI Archive / Photographs by Caddy Halliday (Oakville, Manitoba) Portage la Prairie / PCI Archive / Edwin Clay Blair Railway Album Portage la Prairie / PCI Archive / Portage la Prairie Newspaper Photograph Collection - Group A Portage la Prairie / PCI Archive / Portage la Prairie Newspaper Photograph Collection - Group B Buildings Buildings / Grain Elevators Search in sub-albums