1913 photos

Les Green
315 photos in 4 sub-albums
Winnipeg General Strike, 1919
12 photos
Churchill, c.1944
37 photos
Portage la Prairie, 1982-1984
4985 photos
Manitoba Mugshots
52 photos
West End Digital History Project
10 photos
235 photos in 9 sub-albumsA collection of images and ephemera that helps tell the history of Winnipeg’s West End. This project is co-sponsored by the Daniel McIntyre/St. Matthews Community Association (DMSMCA), West End Dumplings, and the Manitoba Historical Society. For more information, visit www.westenddumplings.blogspot.com or email christian@mhs.mb.ca
Delta Marsh Collection
3014 photos in 45 sub-albums
1812 photos
This is a collection of early 20th-century postcards from communities around Manitoba, most of which belong to Gordon Goldsborough (gordon@mhs.mb.ca).
77 photos
Portage la Prairie
32283 photos in 13 sub-albums
3 photos in 1 sub-album