
Photographer: Tashiro
October 2, 1974
Crescentview School
Crescentview junior high student council
Crescentview executive
Joanne Sponarski, inset, was named president of Crescentview junior high Student Council at a recent election. Other members of the executive are, front, l to r, yearbook co-editor Julie Seguin, vice-president Brent Lang, secretary Cathy Neal, sports reporter Ken Denslow, and school reporter, Ruth Mulligan. Back row, l to r, are yearbook co-editor Andre Lenieux, staff advisor L. T. Muirhead, treasurer Mike Swidnicki, and social convener Sandy Lamb.
- Author
- Tashiro
- Created on
- Wednesday 2 October 1974
- Posted on
- Friday 29 June 2018
- Dimensions
- 1612*1612
- File
- VP-1-00003-001.jpg
- Filesize
- 577 KB
- Keywords
- children, Crescentview School, education, men, schools
- Albums
- Visits
- 6919
- Rating score
- no rating
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