
Photographer: Tashiro
December 16, 1974
Xmas lighting
Yule lights around the city
A warm welcome
Callers at 707 Second Street N.W. this Yule season will be treated to a warm welcome. Like many other Portage la Prairie homes, the owner of this home has put in a lot of effort to create a Christmassy surrounding.
- Author
- Tashiro
- Created on
- Monday 16 December 1974
- Posted on
- Sunday 8 July 2018
- Dimensions
- 1496*1738
- File
- VP-1-00009B-003.jpg
- Filesize
- 638 KB
- Keywords
- buildings, celebrations, christmas, houses
- Albums
- Visits
- 5561
- Rating score
- no rating
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