Photographer: Tashiro
December 17, 1965
Children’s Aid Society
C.A.S. receives presentations from 1- RCAF station 2- Women’s Gaol
The helping hand of RCAF station Portage la Prairie is extended to the Children’s Aid Society of Central Manitoba. Executive director Bruce Fraser at left, accepts a cheque for $500 from LAC John Bonnell who was acting on behalf of the Southport Combined Charities Plan.
- Author
- Tashiro
- Created on
- Friday 17 December 1965
- Posted on
- Wednesday 7 April 2021
- Dimensions
- 1442*1802
- File
- VP-1-00710-004.jpg
- Filesize
- 616 KB
- Keywords
- Children's Aid Society of Central Manitoba, christmas, men, military, Royal Canadian Air Force, trees, uniforms
- Albums
- Visits
- 3545
- Rating score
- no rating
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