
Photographer: Tashiro
February 17, 1969
Heart Foundation
Heart Foundation - Victoria Gr. 6 team teaching class donates to Heart Fund
The Heart Fund is off to a good start with this Valentine, a contribution of $13.01, money given by the combined grade six class at Victoria school, in lieu of exchanging valentines. The presentation was made by (from the left), Randy Strilec, one of the class teachers, Miss Lana McCleary and Gayla Vincelette.
- Author
- Tashiro
- Created on
- Monday 17 February 1969
- Posted on
- Thursday 17 June 2021
- Dimensions
- 1612*1612
- File
- VP-1-00656-002.jpg
- Filesize
- 521 KB
- Keywords
- children, education, schools, Victoria School, women
- Albums
- Visits
- 2895
- Rating score
- no rating
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