Photographer: Moffat
May 20, 1961
Student cadet pass-out parade
Student militia inspection at a passing out parade Saturday is conducted here by Lt. Col. W. Burton during a parade at the drill hall. Also at far left is Capt. V. H. Dyer, course commander. The students were congratulated by Col. Burton before a fair turnout of parents and friends who were later guests at an informal reception at the Armouries.
- Author
- Moffat
- Created on
- Saturday 20 May 1961
- Posted on
- Saturday 19 June 2021
- Dimensions
- 1612*1612
- File
- VP-1-00589-001.jpg
- Filesize
- 628 KB
- Keywords
- ceremonies, men, military, uniforms
- Albums
- Visits
- 2396
- Rating score
- no rating
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