
Photographer: Moffat
January 24, 1968
Can. Legion, Auxiliary
Royal Can. Legion poetry and essay - Auxiliary officers, presentation to branch
Royal Canadian Legion poetry and essay awards were presented to local students here Wednesday. Branch secretary Hugh Rea presents cheques to essay winners Cecilie Anne Gallinger of Victoria school and Jo-Ann Graefer of PCI, and in poetry to Ruth Poschenrieder of PCI. At right is Percy Boughton, president of the sponsoring branch.
- Author
- Moffat
- Created on
- Wednesday 24 January 1968
- Posted on
- Tuesday 24 January 2023
- Dimensions
- 1612*1612
- File
- VP-1-01244-001.jpg
- Filesize
- 495 KB
- Keywords
- armed forces, awards, children, clubs, men, Portage Collegiate Institute, schools, Victoria School, women
- Albums
- Visits
- 4673
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