
Photographer: Unknown
August 14, 1952
Grain harvesting around Portage
The old vs. the new — Fast fading from the prairie landscape are scenes such as this, a field of stooks. With the increasing use of modern farm machinery, combines and swathers have practically replaced the binder completely, except for cutting feed. These stooks, each sheaf filled to the brim with oats, are on the farm of Harry Caldwell. He expects to thrash the heavy crop next week.
- Created on
- Thursday 14 August 1952
- Posted on
- Sunday 13 August 2023
- Dimensions
- 1802*1442
- File
- VP-1-04445-003.jpg
- Filesize
- 589 KB
- Keywords
- agriculture, farmland, Harvesting
- Albums
- Visits
- 810
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- no rating
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