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(Tashiro) May 16/55 News

Assiniboine River Flood Diking North of Newton Siding

Planning strategy: Councillor Lee Tully of the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie, points out a phase of diking operations to Joshua Hofer, a Hutterite leader from Starbuck. The photo was taken on the famr of Nick Janczyn, north of Newton, where about 50 volunteers worked to build up this sagging dike.

Working at twilight: Volunteers with sandbags hoisted on their shoulders (left) work their way to a weak spot in the dike where other workmen are piling sandbags behind the planks of wood. The foreground shows water which has worked its way behind the dike north of Newton.

Packing them in firm - Volunteers work to save farmlands from the raging Assiniboine by reenforcing dikes in the area north of Newton. The photo shows where the river water has eaten away the bank, and right, where it has worked its way behind.

Diking in progress on the south bank of the river. Planks abutted by sandbags are a final measure to try and stop the river surgery on the south bank of the farm of Nick Jenczyn, north of Newton Siding. The work is being done by local farmers.

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