
Photographer: Tashiro
March 8, 9, 10, 11, 1965
Education Week observance
Fort la Reine School Visitation Day Thursday afternoon as part at the Education Week observance in city schools drew a capacity crowd of parents. Mothers waited in line to sign the guest books Iooked after by students at the various entrances. In charge here are Myrna Mault in white sweater and Lisa Bird.
- Author
- Tashiro
- Created on
- Thursday 11 March 1965
- Posted on
- Saturday 14 July 2018
- Dimensions
- 1802*1442
- File
- VP-1-00033-006.jpg
- Filesize
- 469 KB
- Keywords
- children, education, Fort la Reine School, schools, women
- Albums
- Visits
- 5003
- Rating score
- no rating
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