![Photographer: Tashiro
May 28, 1973
Fort la Reine
Fort la Reine host school for 1973 display of children’s arts, crafts, and science
Dinosaur display
These life-like creatures were created by kindergarten students from La Verendr[text missing] [La Verendrye School] from plasticene and paper mache. They are part of a display of the art and work of [text missing] in kindergarten to grade six from all schools in the division at Fort la Reine school. [text missing] display will remain open until nine o’clock tonight. VP-1-00047-002.jpg](_data/i/upload/2018/07/14/20180714211929-651b7389-me.jpg)
Photographer: Tashiro
May 28, 1973
Fort la Reine
Fort la Reine host school for 1973 display of children’s arts, crafts, and science
Dinosaur display
These life-like creatures were created by kindergarten students from La Verendr[text missing] [La Verendrye School] from plasticene and paper mache. They are part of a display of the art and work of [text missing] in kindergarten to grade six from all schools in the division at Fort la Reine school. [text missing] display will remain open until nine o’clock tonight.
- Author
- Tashiro
- Created on
- Monday 28 May 1973
- Posted on
- Saturday 14 July 2018
- Dimensions
- 1612*1612
- File
- VP-1-00047-002.jpg
- Filesize
- 523 KB
- Keywords
- arts, education, Fort la Reine School, La Verendrye School, schools, science
- Albums
- Visits
- 5728
- Rating score
- no rating
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