Photographer: Moffat
June 28, 1961
Retires after 50 years teaching
Former students of Miss Marjorie Hall who retires following long service in Portage la Prairie elementary schools, were represented at ceremonies Wednesday by Mrs. H. Owens, at left, who carried out the presentation of a silver bowl as a gesture of appreciation for Miss Hall’s years of service to local grade students.
- Author
- Moffat
- Created on
- Wednesday 28 June 1961
- Posted on
- Sunday 29 December 2019
- Dimensions
- 1975*1317
- File
- VP-1-00116-002.jpg
- Filesize
- 573 KB
- Keywords
- awards, ceremonies, education, schools, women
- Albums
- Visits
- 3917
- Rating score
- no rating
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