![Photographer: Vopni
February 22, 1973
La Verandrye [La Verendrye]
La Verandrye [La Verendrye] Grade 6 Rehearse “Green Grass of Wyoming” for March 1 Presentation
Play rehearsal
Sheryl Arsenault, on the left, and Gayle Kripky were earnestly rehearsing a scene from the play “Green Grass of Wyoming” Thursday night. The play, which was directed by Abe Friesen, is being presented by the La Verendrye grade five and six Drama Club next Wednesday and Thursday at La Verendrye School auditorium. There are 28 students in the hour-and-a-half four-act play. The students have been working diligently since October on the play under the direction of Mr. Friesen, a teacher at the school. Mr. Friesen produced the play. For the students it is their first experience at staging a play of this length. VP-1-00150-002.jpg](_data/i/upload/2020/01/13/20200113010523-6d5f17ae-me.jpg)
Photographer: Vopni
February 22, 1973
La Verandrye [La Verendrye]
La Verandrye [La Verendrye] Grade 6 Rehearse “Green Grass of Wyoming” for March 1 Presentation
Play rehearsal
Sheryl Arsenault, on the left, and Gayle Kripky were earnestly rehearsing a scene from the play “Green Grass of Wyoming” Thursday night. The play, which was directed by Abe Friesen, is being presented by the La Verendrye grade five and six Drama Club next Wednesday and Thursday at La Verendrye School auditorium. There are 28 students in the hour-and-a-half four-act play. The students have been working diligently since October on the play under the direction of Mr. Friesen, a teacher at the school. Mr. Friesen produced the play. For the students it is their first experience at staging a play of this length.
- Author
- Vopni
- Created on
- Thursday 22 February 1973
- Posted on
- Monday 13 January 2020
- Dimensions
- 1612*1612
- File
- VP-1-00150-002.jpg
- Filesize
- 460 KB
- Albums
- Visits
- 4510
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